It varies from site to site, though most agree on one thing: you cannot resell sample packs, or the samples that come with them. What permissions are granted when you buy a sample pack? What am I allowed to do with this sample? Or, what do the terms and conditions state? Well sort of…and this gets to a question you should be asking: What Permissions Are Granted When You Buy A Sample Pack? They put a lot of work into their samples and they choose not to be Royalty Free. They’re more like loose musical recordings and they sound great. They include rich samples with multiple stems. Kingsway Music Library offers music recordings that are more robust than your average sample pack site. Sample Packs Are Royalty Free…Until They Are Not When you buy from these sites,you can use them without worrying about having to pay the creator, other than whatever upfront cost they charge. The only restriction is you are not allowed to resell the samples. What this means is you can use them in your work without having to pay any royalties, or points. Most sites (including us) sell Royalty Free Sample Packs. Some are royalty free until you sell/stream a certain amount (around one million). The short answer is yes for most sample packs.